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Iron and Steel Production

Science Park High School(NSPHS)
Ryan Agostino, Bukola Ajanaku, and Sophia Clement 

Dr. Sharma


          Steel is essentially an alloy that contains high percentages of iron and carbon. There may be other elements but of smaller percentages. “As early as 6,000 years ago, early civilizations used iron ore found in meteorites to construct primitive tools. The first iron furnaces appeared in about 1400 BC. These were very simple rounded hearths in which iron ore and charcoal were heated to very high temperatures. By reheating, ironworkers could hammer the metal to remove impurities and increase hardness. It was realised that by making high-quality iron very hot and adding a few other metallic elements an even stronger material could be produced” ("", n.d.).

          Iron is “hugely versatile, and one of the strongest and cheapest metals, it became an important building block of the Industrial Revolution, but it's also an essential element in plant and animal life. Combined with varying (but tiny) amounts of carbon, iron makes a much stronger material called steel” (Woodford, n.d.). Because of this manipulated version of iron’s properties, it became an ideal metal in cutlery, space rockets, and skyscrapers.

Manufactoring Process


Mining refers to the process of removing the metal in its free or combined state from the Earths surface. The two most common forms of mining are surface and subsurface mining. Surface mining is a very sophisticated mining method used to mine for coal that is on the Earths surface. Subsurface mining is the removal of deposits from the Earth by drilling through soil and rocks to get shafts that are reinforced with support before the miners enter (Lee, 2008).


There are six steps to steel production


1. Ironmaking

Iron ore, coke and lime are melted in a blast furnace. This creates molten iron. “Impurities in the iron from the Blast Furnace include carbon, sulphur, phosphorus and silicon. These have to be removed” (Clark, 2005). Blast Furnaces can be as big as 200 feet, produces 10,000 tons of iron a day and works nonstop for 10 years. The chemical reactions begins when hot air is blasted into the furnace. As coke burns, the carbon gets enough energy to react with oxygen from the air to form carbon dioxide and then into carbon momoxide. The carbon monoxide takes oxygen from the iron oxide to leave carbon dioxide and iron metal. (DK, n.d.)











Figure A                                           Figure B

2. Primary Steelmaking

 There are two different types of primary steelmaking- Basic Oxygen Steelmaking (BOS) (picture on left) and Electric Arc Furnace Steelmaking (EAF) (picture on right). “The hot metal from the Blast Furnace contains up to 4.5% of carbon. Steelmaking reduces the carbon content to a level that matches the customer’s requirements. This is often less than 0.1%. Basic Oxygen Steelmaking (BOS) makes steel from Blast Furnace iron and small amounts of scrap metal. EAF is an electrically heated furnace that makes steel from scrap metal only. Most of the metal that is made in the BOS furnace is sold as bulk steel. More specialist steels are made in the Electric Arc Furnace, although this furnace is also capable of producing large volumes of other types of steel” ("What is steel - different routes to steel", n.d.).










Figure C                                                        Figure D

3. Secondary Steelmaking

Secondary steelmaking is the adjustment of molten steel produced from the primary steelmaking in which secondary steelmaking adjusts the steel composition. This is done by removing or adding certain elements from the molten steel. This is also done by manipulating the temperature and production environment of the molten steel. The following are different methods used in secondary steelmaking which are used based on the type of steel required:

  • CAS-OB(Composition Adjustment by Sealed argon bubbling with Oxygen Blowing)

  • ladle furnace

  • ladle injection

  • Stirring

  • Degassing

4. Continuous Casting

 “In this step, the molten steel is cast into a cooled mould causing a thin steel shell to solidify. The shell strand is withdrawn using guided rolls and fully cooled and solidified. The strand is cut into desired lengths depending on application; slabs for flat products (plate and strip), blooms for sections (beams), billets for long products (wires) or thin strips” (Bell, n.d.).










Figure E


5. Primary Forming

 “The steel that is cast is then formed into various shapes, often by hot rolling, a process that eliminates cast defects and achieves the required shape and surface quality. Hot rolled products are divided into flat products, long products, seamless tubes, and specialty products” (Bell, n.d.).

6. Manufactory

 The steel is made into its appropriate shape for use.



















Figure F



Making Steel

Steel is made of iron; and other elements added to make it stronger, that's been

through a blast furnace. Molten iron is blasted with oxygen, removing carbon. Carbon monoxide is formed, collected, and then used as a fuel. When converting iron to steel, the molten iron is poured into a converter. Then high-pressure pure oxygen is blasted into the converter.Steel is also made by melting down scrap steel in an electric arc furnace. (Rogers,2001)

Chemical Components

Iron is typically found as oxide ores, but can also be sulfide and carbonate in smaller quantities. The other ores will usually have to be roasted first in order to convert them into oxide. Haematite (Fe2O3) is often considered the most important of the ores. New Zealand holds a different opinion wit magnetite (Fe3O4) and titanomagnetite (Fe2TiO4) as the country's starting materials. Once the ores have been converted, the oxides get reduced from coal by the addition of carbon and the production of carbon monoxide. As the carbon first burns in air, it gives off carbon dioxide and the heat. These are necessary for the carbon dioxide to undergo an endothermic reaction with more carbon to yield carbon monoxide:

C + O2 → CO2 âˆ†H = -393 kJ mol-1
C + CO2 → 2CO ∆H = +171 kJ mol-1

The oxide ores are then mainly reduced by carbon monoxide which results from this reaction. Here, there are only small changes in enthalpy:

Fe2O3 + 3CO → 2Fe + 3CO2 ∆H = -22 kJ mol-1
Fe3O4 + 4CO → 3Fe + 4CO2 ∆H = -10 kJ mol-1

In most ironmaking the reduction will occur in a blast furnace. In New Zealand, a rotary kiln is used in direct reduction.The process of indirect reduction then takes place in an electric melter because titanium dioxide that is found in the ore results in a slag. This slag blocks common blast furnaces due to its high melting point.
The impurities will always be at high levels if iron is produced in this process making it very brittle. The primary focus of making steel is to remove these impurities, and this is done through oxidation of the elements. The oxidizing takes place as pure oxygen is blown through a lance and into the molten alloy. The Klockner Oxygen Blown Maxhutte (KOBM) that is used in New Zealand for this has oxygen blown through holes at the base of the converter. The oxides produced can either be evolved into gases or combine with limestone in order to form a slag The resultant slag can easily be seperated because it floats no the sruface of the liquid metal.


Quality Control


The black furnace operation is highly instrumented and is monitored continuously. Times and temperatures are checked and recorded. 

           "To specify the various physical and mechanical properties of the finished product, various tests, both destructive and nondestructive, are performed. Metallurgical, hardness, hardenability, tension, ductility, compression, fatigue, impact, wear, corrosion, creep, machinability, radiography, magnetic particle, ultrasonic, and eddy current are some of the major tests that are performed by quality control personnel… Metallurgical testing is used to determine the quality of steel by analyzing the microstructure of a sample under a microscope… Next to the hardness test, the tensile test is the most frequently performed test to determine certain mechanical properties. A specifically prepared tensile sample is placed in the heads of a testing machine and an axial load is placed on the sample through a hydraulic loading system… Ductility of a material is indicated by the amount of deformation that is possible until fracture and can be determined by measuring elongation and reduction in area of a tensile sample that has been tested to failure… Compression tests are performed on small cylinders, blocks, or strips to determine the ability of a material to undergo large plastic deformations (a mechanical property also known as malleability) and its limits… The fatigue test is used to determine the behavior of materials when subjected to repeated or fluctuating loads. It is used to simulate stress conditions developed in materials under service conditions… Impact tests are used to determine the behavior of materials when subjected to high rates of loading, usually in bending, tension, or torsion” (



          There are a great many possible environmental effects from the iron industry. The first and most obvious is the process of open pit mining. Huge tracts of land are stripped to bare rock. Today, depleted mining sites are commonly used as landfills, then covered over and landscaped. Some of these landfills themselves become environmental programs, since in the recent past, some were used for the disposal of highly toxic substances which leached into soil and water.


Usefulness of Steel Alloys and their Properties

There are four types of steel as indicated by their acronym, “C.A.S.T.”:


Carbon Steel: ("Steel for many purposes.", n.d.)

The percentage of carbon has a dramatic effect on the properties of the material and therefore on the uses for which it is suitable:












Figure G                                                       Figure H

Alloy Steel: ("Steel for many purposes.", n.d.)


The addition of small amounts of other metals to make alloy steels changes the properties of the material even further and means that a steel can be manufactured that has exactly the right properties for its purpose.















Figure I                                                                  Figure J

Stainless Steel

  • Properties

    • Higher corrosion resistance

    • Higher strength and hardness

    • A more attractive appearance

    • Higher hot strength

    • Higher ductility

    • Lower maintenance

    • Higher cryogenic toughness

    • Higher work hardening rate

  • Uses

    • Plaques

    • Turbine Blades

    • Electric Light Bulb Filament

    • Cutlery

    • Stoves

    • Motor Cars


Tool Steel

  • Water Hardening (W-Grades)

    • Properties

      • basically a high carbon steel

      • cannot be used where high temperatures are involved

      • can be very high hardness

      • brittle compared to other tool steels

      • must be water quenched (tends to lead to increased warping and cracking)

    • Uses

      • Cutting tools

      • Reamers

      • Cutlery

  • Air Hardening (A-Grades)

    • Properties

      • low distortion factor during heat treatment

      • wear resistant and tough

    • Uses
      • Arbors

      • Coining

      • Chipper, Cold Shear, Woodworking Knives, and Lathe Center Knives

  • D Type (D-Grades)

    • Properties

      • high carbon

      • high chromium (air hardening)

      • abrasion resistance

    • Uses

      • File Cutting

      • Paper Cutters

      • Coining

      • Lamination

      • Woodworking Knives

  • Oil Hardening (O-Grades)

    • Properties

      • good abrasion resistance

      • toughness

    • Uses

      • Arbors

      • Bushing

      • Chasers (Thread Cutting)

      • Collets

      • Gages

  • Shock resisting types (S-Grades)

    • Properties

      • resists shock at low or high temperatures

      • low carbon content

      • high impact toughness

      • low abrasion resistance.

    • Uses

      • Battering Tools

      • Boiler-Shop Tools

      • Chisel Blacksmiths

      • Chuck Jaws

      • Collets

  • Hot-Working (H-Grades)

    • Properties

      • added strength

      • ability to withstand high pressures

      • resistance to abrasion

      • moderately high in additional alloys

      • low in carbon

      • Hardness

    • Uses

      • used to cut material at high temperatures

      • Cores for Zinc and Aluminum

      • Hot Extrusion for Aluminum and Magnesium

      • Hot Forging

      • Hot Shear Knives

Figure K



Crucible and high frequency methods


          The high frequency induction furnace is used to generate heat within the metal. This is done by eddy currents that form a strong magnetic field. The alternating current passes through water-cooled coils which surround the crucible and alternates between 500 and 2000 Hertz. Eddy currents increase by the square of the frequency. Increasing frequency results in the eddy currents traveling closer to the surface of a charge. Depending on the cross-sectional area that the current gets carried through, heat will develop within the charge. Larger furnaces will typically use frequencies that are low enough for current penetration. Eddy currents also cause the melting to happen in a vertical direction. These machines usually produce high quality steel ("Steel Making Process", 200).









Figure L


Acid and basic steels


           These methods remove impurities from either a pig iron or a mixture of pig iron and steel scrap. Certain impurities will be removed depending on what is being used to treat it. An acid or basic slag can be used in this process. Acid slags require the acid furnace lining while the basic lining will be made of magnesite or dolomite with line in the charge. The acid slag can remove silicon, manganese, and carbon as long as there is oxidation. The acid slag also requires that the raw material does not contain amounts of phosphorus and sulfur that would not be allowed in the finished product. The basic process is able to remove silicon, manganese, carbon, sulfur, and phosphorus from the charge. Removing the high phosphorus amounts requires the metal to be more oxidized than in the acid process. The end product’s quality will largely depend on the oxidation level. Deoxidation can occur in the furnaces during the acid process. During the basic process, deoxidation will rarely take place with the slag or risk phosphorus returning to the metal’s composition. The metal’s deoxidation often occurs in the ladle, but there is little time for the impurities to be removed ("Steel Making Process", 200).


Bessemer steel


           This process also involves both an acidic and basic version. Both include refining the molten pig iron through an egg-shaped device called a converter. The oxidation to the impurities will raise the charge to a suitable temperature. It ultimately depends upon what the material is made of. In order to supply heat, the basic process will need about 1.5-2% phosphorus. The acid process would need around 2% of silicon. “Blowing” the charge creates a flame at the opening of the converter. There is about 25 minutes to complete the entire process.


Open-hearth processes


           This process has basic and acidic aspects. The heat used for both melting and working the charge comes from either oil or gas. The gas and air get reheated by two regenerators on each side of the furnace. The regenerators have chambers of checker brickwork, brick, and space altering. Here, the hearth is shaped like a saucer. The raw materials used are pig iron, scrap, and lime. Iron ore gets charged into melt to aid in the oxidation of impurities. A charged can be worked between 6 to 14 hours which makes it easier to control than the Bessemer process ("Steel Making Process", 200).


Electric arc processes


           Heat is generated by electric arcs between carbon electrodes and the metal bath. A charge of steel scrap must get melted in this process in order to remove phosphorus. The impure slag can be removed by tilting the the furnace and bringing in a new slag. The second limey slag can remove sulfur and deoxidize metal in the furnace. The creates higher purification and better steel quality. During this process, gas absorption should be avoided ("Total Materia", 2000).


Altering Physical Properties

           In order to understand how the atomic level affects the macro level, it is important to distinguish the microscopic and macroscopic worlds. Anything in the macroscopic world is visible to the naked eye. Anything that requires the aid of tools such as microscopes is part of the microscopic world. Atoms are considered the building blocks of matter and are on the micro-scale. They are made up of subatomic particles: electrons have a negative charge, protons have a positive charge, and neutrons have a neutral charge. Protons determine the element, while electrons influence different types of characteristics (Mott, n.d.).


          Electromagnetism occurs between protons and electrons. Their opposite charges can create attractions between the particles. Smaller distance between these subatomic particles will result in a greater attraction. This also provides the shape and size of an atom. Both attraction and repulsion play a part in these properties of atoms. The electromagnetic forces on the outermost energy level of an atom do the most to affect an atom’s ability to form bonds. Incomplete energy levels will require the transfer or sharing of electrons between atoms. The chemical bonds that get formed are needed for stable atoms and molecules (Mott, n.d.).


          Surface area is also considered on the atomic level. At this scale, there is an increased amount of surface area exposed. This actually increases the speed at which reactions occur. This is because smaller particles will have a greater percentage of atoms on the surface which creates a greater ratio between the surface and volume (Mott, n.d.).


          Other properties are size dependent which means that the size or surface area of particles can influence certain aspects. Functionality, behaviour, and appearance are all size dominated. Optical characteristics are an examples of surface dominated traits. Electrons on the atomic level are not able to move as freely which creates different reactions to light. Confined electrons will have different colors on the micro- and macro-scale. Surface area can also affect things like melting point, reaction rate, capillary action, and adhesion. A decrease in particle size would also decrease the melting temperature (Mott, n.d.).
















Figure M




6 Steps to Modern Steel Production:. (n.d.). Retrieved April 21, 2016, from


Encyclopedia of Science. London: DK Pub., 2006. Print.


Lee., and Brenda Wilmoth. Lerner. "Metal Production." Gale Encyclopedia of Science. Fourth ed. Vol. 4. Detroit: Thomson Gale, 2008. 2717. Print.


Mott, S. M. (n.d.). The Size of Matter: Why Properties Change at the Nanoscale. Retrieved April 21, 2016, from


Rogers, Kirsteen. The Usborne Internet-linked Science Encyclopedia. Tulsa, OK: EDC Pub., 2001. Print.


Steel for many purposes. Alloying. (n.d.). Retrieved April 21, 2016, from


Steel manufacture. (n.d.). Retrieved April 21, 2016, from


Steel-making processes. (n.d.). Retrieved April 21, 2016, from


The Manufacture of Steel. (n.d.). Retrieved April 17, 2016, from


Woodford, C. (n.d.). Iron and steel. Retrieved April 21, 2016, from




Figure A:

2016. Image. Accessed April 21.


Figure B:

2016. Image.


Figure C:

CorusBCSATraining. "Steelmaking: Ironmaking." YouTube. YouTube, 26 July 2007. Web. 21 Apr. 2016. <>.


Figure D:

2016. Image.


Figure E:

2016. Image.


Figure F:

AmericanMfg. "STEEL: From Start to Finish." YouTube. YouTube, 12 Aug. 2009. Web. 21 Apr. 2016. <>.


Figure G:

2016. Image.


Figure H:

Steel for many purposes. Alloying. (n.d.). Retrieved April 21, 2016, from


Figure I:

2016. Image.


Figure J:

Steel for many purposes. Alloying. (n.d.). Retrieved April 21, 2016, from


Figure K:

2016. Image.


Figure L:

2016. Image.


Figure M:

Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. <>



NJ Iron Factories

"2008 certified distributor of steel in a wide range of alloys, sizes & forms. Alloys include stainless steel, tool steel & carbon steel. Also ISO 9001: 2008 certified distributor of aircraft quality stainless steel. Forms available include pressed steel goods, railings, reels, pipes, bars, tubes & tubing, wires, rods, sheets, plates, coils, angles, channels, springs, blanks, flanges, frames, inserts, columns, cylinders, discs, moldings, beams, ends, pins, plugs, rings, rolls, saws, shells, studs & strips. Markets served include chemical, automotive, aircraft & aerospace, medical, mechanical & food & beverage".


"Karnel, Inc. has been a technological leader in the design and fabrication industry for over 30 years. Combining our design experience with our in house metal fabrication capability provides our clients with a valuable resource. We are capable of utilizing the most current versions of either Solidworks or AutoCAD in the design process. Our engineers work with our customers to develop cost effective methods of fabrication while maintain a high level of quality".


"Since 1932, J.C. MacElroy Company, Inc. has brought custom fabricated metal and other products to customers across the United States and throughout the world. Our extensive experience and success in the industry attests to our expertise in metal fabrication, historic restorations and replications, and castings, among other things. MacElroyÂ’s fully-equipped shop in Piscataway, NJ has enabled production of high quality products for the power generation, marine, transportation, and construction industries".


"Alberona Iron Works Inc. is a premier contractor who has been welding custom steel and iron fabrications and parts for more than 40 years. We are committed to your satisfaction, from the moment we get your order to the final product. Quality is our main concern; it is the cornerstone of our business".


"Portuguese Structural Steel,  is a NJWBE/ DPMC/PWC/NHA certified company in business since 1988.  We  serve the Tri-State area with our quality structural steel fabrication services. We are industrial and commercial fabricators and erectors. We do structural steel, joist and deck, steel stairs and much more"!


"The Corporation was established in 1969. The business was primarily participating in the manufacturing of waste containers. As the container industry began to change, the focus of Allied Steel changed to the Distribution and Fabrication of steel.  Allied Metal Industries, Inc., also known and doing business as Allied Steel, started to grow its customer base by the mid 1990’s supplying a broad range of industries including the Solid Waste, Manufacturing, Construction, Structural Steel and Specialty Industries. Allied Steel provides a Full range of Steel Fabrication services as well as stocking a broad range of quality steel products such as Plate, Diamond Plate and Sheet as well as most Structural shapes such as Angles, Beams, Channels, Flat Bars, Pipes, Tubing and Round Bars".


"John Maltese Iron Works fabricates and erects structural steel for buildings including schools, houses of worship, offices, apartment complexes, restaurants, and shopping malls. We also fabricates steel stairs, railings, mezzanines, platforms, rooftop unit supports, solar panel support structures, pedestrian bridges, and other steel structures. In addition, aluminum railing systems have recently been added to our production capabilities".



"J.V. Palmonari, Inc. has been in business since 1979. Our main lines of business include: Structural Steel Fabricators, Ironwork--Miscellaneous & Ornamental".


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